Events, Festivals and Italian Holidays 2025
Year round weekly markets"mercati" in Langhe, Roero & Monferrato
(These markets are outdoors, normally in the town's main piazza. They are open from 8am to 1pm selling fresh veggies, meats, cheeses, olives, clothes, shoes, linens and other miscellaneous items.)
Monday - Monforte d'Alba, La Morra, Mango
Tuesday - Alba, Canale d'Alba, Dogliani, Canelli
Wednesday - Neive, Bra, Santo Stefano Belbo
Thursday - Castagnole delle Lanze, Alba
Friday - Bra, Cortemilia, Murazzano, Nizza Monferrato
Saturday - Alba
Sunday - Costiglione d'Asti, Barbaresco(very small, but good. 3-5 stands)
Why not try a fun Balloon Ride over the Barolo hills?

In Balloon, take an exclusive Balloon Flight over Barolo vineyards
Photographer's dream, great perspective over the hills of the Langhe
Sagra=Food Festival, normally celebrating a village's wine, signature dish or local vegetable
January 1
"Capodanno" New Year's Day
Big "pranzo" lunch with family and friends to bring luck and money into the new year.
January 6
"Epifania" Epiphany
The "strega" witch comes to bring the good children presents and candy.
Last party before Ash Wednesday and Lent, often starts 2-3 weeks before the actual date ending with a big party on last day, in this case, March 3rd. Lots of partying, eating, drinking and overindulging all over Italy, Europe and the world.
Carnival of Ivrea, Battaglia delle Arance Orange Battle
Annual carnival, this small village near Torino, celebrates the end of carnival with an Orange Battle. Men in medieval costumes throw oranges at each other.
Sunday April 20
"Pasqua" Easter
A very important holiday here, everything is closed but restaurants & you will need a reservation.
Monday April 21
"Pasquetta" Little Easter
Everybody in Italy is outside and barbecuing on this day, unless it is raining. Everything closed but wine bars and restaurants..
Fridays nights in April
A Dinner & Tasting of the new releases of Barolo
3 evenings featuring the new releases of Barolo.
A fantastic way to experience the new vintage along with dinner. At various participating restaurants in the Barolo area. 55-80 euros for dinner & wine per person depending on restaurant
First Sunday in May
Festa della Barbera, Castagnole Lanze
An annual festival "di Cortile in Cortile" with Barbera from Castagnole Lanze
Main day is 1st Sunday in May
2nd weekend in May
Nizza e Barbera
A Barbera Wine Festival in Nizza Monferrato
Friday nights in May
Il Barbaresco a Tavola
3 evenings featuring the new releases Barbaresco.
A fantastic way to experience the new vintage along with dinner.
At various participating restaurants in the Barbaresco area.
40-85 euros for dinner & wine per person depending on restaurant
Last Sunday in May
Portè Disnè
Gastronomic Walk from Monta to Canale in Roero
Monforte in Jazz and More
Music Festival in Monforte d'Alba
Collisioni Barolo Music Festival
Music Festival in Barolo
Barolo Night
Langhe Food and Wine Festival
Gastronomic event in La Morra with cuisine from the best restaurants in La Morra paired with Barolo wine from La Morra and live music
Italy&USA · Alba Music Festival
18 concerts, every evening, in the territory of Langhe and Roero
In association with Ente Turismo, Consorzio Turistico
Sunday, August 15
Everything is closed but restaurants & you will need a reservation.
This is a bigger holiday than we first thought. It is impossible to do anything on this day but be on holiday and eat! If you want to have a picnic, make sure to buy supplies the day before as NOTHING is open.
Last Sunday in August
Gastronomic Vineyard Hike in La Morra
Festa delle Sagre
An all day festival celebrating the wines of Asti and it's contadine winegrowers and farmers
Centro Storico Asti
Palio di Asti
Fall Festival and Historic Horse Race in the city of Asti
Festival della Lumaca
Historic Snail Festival in the historic center of Cherasco
Saturdays in October
Barolo Tasting at Cantina Comunale in La Morra
Barolo 2014 Wine Tasting in La Morra with 12-15 producers every Saturday
October 7-December 3
93^ Alba White Truffle Fair 2023
Every Saturday and Sunday from October 7th to December 3th
(Kick off to Truffle Fair on October 1, 2023, 12pm Medieval Parade followed by The Historic Donkey Race at 2pm)
Last Sunday in October
A Tutta Trippa
A Tripe Festival in the village of Barolo, yes, Everything Tripe!
Starts at 11am
November 1
"Tutti i Santi" Feast of all Saints
Italians have the day off and visit their relatives in the cemeteries with lots of flowers(more than usual).
November (first weekend)
Barbera Festival Costigliole d’Asti
Big Barbera Wine Tasting at the Cantina Comunale in Costigliole d’Asti
Over 200 Barberas to taste from the best producers of the area
Throughout December
"Mercatini di Natale" Christmas Markets
Most villages and towns have an annual outside Christmas market. These are festive with many stands of gifts to buy, food, music, goats and sheep and "vin brule" hot spiced wine. If you are here at this time, ask your hotel or look for flyers announcing times and dates.
December 8
"Immacolata Concezione" Immacolate Conception
Big shopping day in Italy, similar to Black Friday in USA
Saturday, December 25
"Natale" Christmas
Italians have a BIG lunch at home or dine in a restaurant with family. A big family day, everything closed but some restaurants are open with a fixed Christmas menu. If dining out, make reservations!
Saturday December 31
New Year's Eve
Make your hotel and dining reservations well in advance! Most fine dining restaurants will offer a Fixed Menu on this night. Be prepared for a loud night of fireworks!
Tourism and Events in the Langhe
Langhe e Roero Tourism
Strada del Barolo
Barolo di Barolo
Alba White Truffle Fair
Slow Food
Piemonte on Wine