Welcome, Friends and family our goal with this blog is to help you keep tabs on what we've been up to after moving to Italy in 2007, by sharing some of our experiences with you. We have many of our old favorite places yet we always seem to stumble into something really cool just when we think we've seen everything. Our goal is to share these new experiences, along with an occasional wine or travel tip.
Robert and Leslie Alexander

Kind words from down under

A recent costumer, Liz, who along with her friend Debra, publish a travel blog Bagni di Lucca and Beyond. They wrote about Liz’s recent tour with us.
"It is fun to visit places that have been in movies. A recent film starring Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon, called
The Trip to Italy,  began in the Langhe region of Piedmont in the North West of Italy.  There was a particular restaurant that they went to called Trattoria della Posta.  The food looked amazing and we knew a visit was needed."
"We enlisted the help of local experts Robert and Leslie Alexander who run
Travel Langhe specialising in Wine and Food Tours.  Before we tempt you with our fabulous lunch, take a look at Robert’s gorgeous photos of this spectacular part of Italy"
(To read full post)
Thanks Liz for the nice post!