Robert and Leslie Alexander

We are a couple of 50 somethings who for the past 25 years have been involved full-time in the wine industry including teaching, building and running our own restaurant and as wine importers. We are both qualified sommeliers and have travelled extensively over three continents visiting hundreds of wineries. But we kept being drawn back to Piedmont and have settled in Neive in the heart of Barbaresco where we believe some of the best red wines in the world are made. We constantly visit and evaluate the literally hundreds of cantinas on our doorstep and will help you make educated choices when visiting our beautiful region.

Not only are we wine tasting experts but Robert has experienced the work that goes into the vineyards and cantinas in multiple wine regions. He understands all aspects of wine-making from cultivation, harvesting and production to bottling the finished product.

Leslie is also an accomplished chef (20+ years experience) and an talented artist/painter, who specializes in colorful and vibrant acrylic depictions of wine related scenes especially cellars/cantinas.

Contact Info
Please contact us for if you are interested in learning more or for a quote for your trip.
Click here for
Pricing and info on Wine Tours, Cooking Classes and Photography Tours.

email us at:
or telephone us at +39 3396920448, please try emailing us first.


Press on Robert & Leslie and Cesare's Wine Bar

Cesare's Shines with Attention
By Jeremy Iggers, Star Tribune

Stillwater runs deep - in swell wine bars
By Bill Ward, Star Tribune

Get More Out of the Wine-Bar Experience
Dorothy Gaiter & John Brecher, Wall Street Journal
Tip #9 Robert Alexander


The following are a sampling of wine classes & staff training that Robert has taught throughout the Twin Cities(Minneapolis and St. Paul) at various venues:

“A Night at a Wine Bar” Twin Cities Food and Wine Experience, February 2005
“How to Act Like A Pro in a Wine Bar” The Chef’s Gallery in Stillwater, MN
“Wine Bar Etiquette” Cesare’s Wine Bar in Stillwater, MN
“Italian Wines 101” Cesare’s Wine Bar in Stillwater, MN
“Summer Whites” The Chef’s Gallery in Stillwater, MN
“Bubbles” The Chef’s Gallery in Stillwater, MN
“Italian Wines” Kitchen Window in Minneapoli, MN
“Wines of Piedmont” Buona Sera in Champlin, MN
Wine Training and Service for Melting Pot Staff, Minneapolis, MN
Wine Training and Service for Arezzo Ristorante Staff, Minneapolis, MN
US in Toscana2 2013
Website Update6