Welcome, Friends and family our goal with this blog is to help you keep tabs on what we've been up to after moving to Italy in 2007, by sharing some of our experiences with you. We have many of our old favorite places yet we always seem to stumble into something really cool just when we think we've seen everything. Our goal is to share these new experiences, along with an occasional wine or travel tip.
Robert and Leslie Alexander

Growing Fast

Here in G.D. Vajra's Serralunga vineyard their nebbiolo is growing fast, keeping the growers busy training the vines through the training wires
Over in La Morra no growers can be seen but they are sure to be close to their lunch packs
Also in La Morra netting for protection from hail damage is put back into place after working the vines
Travel Langhe is is also back in the vineyard at our favourite place for tastings " The Ciabot"