Books and Rain

Lots and Lots of rain the last few weeks. Inside the house it still feels
winter. BRRRRR!
The vines are growing like crazy, we hope we don't have 6 weeks of
rain like last spring.
We found a cool new book to keep us busy while we're
stuck in the house. It's an Italian-English dictionary
only for wine and vineyards words. More than 2,000 words
in the specialized dictionary. We love it.
"From Vine to Wine" by Kenneth Crofutt & Belinda Ellender.
We treated ourselves to Robert's favorite kebabs in Alba a few days ago.
They also have good pizza.

New art show in Treiso

This is a beautiful old church on the piazza in Treiso, it was restored
last summer and made into a cultural center for the town of Treiso.
My art exhibit opened here last Saturday.
The show is from April 11 to May 3, 2009
After getting the keys from the mayer of Treiso we started setting up our
spring art show by first taking down christmas decorations.
Even Cotta' "helps
Vineyard Chickens
"Vineyard with Chickens" most popular painting of the art show.
Who knew chickens were so popular????

Spring !!!

Bud Break has started here in Barbaresco, a sure sign of spring
The vineyard workers replacing post in the Roncglie vineyard just north
of Pajore. Due to all the rain/snow this past winter many vineyards have
had mini landslide's and some vineyards have lost as much as 2 acres of
vines in one slide
She doesn't look like a frantic artist hurrying to complete a painting for her up
coming show this weekend in Treiso

Market Day

Thanks to a tip from our friends at Hotel Castello di Sinio we found this great little
imported food shop in the back of a large supermarket well hidden on a side
street in the town of Bra. Tonight we had our first pot stickers in over 2 years
and they also have black beans, cilantro, real pickles, rice wine vinegar and hot chile sauce.
Our list of what we miss from the US keeps getting shorter.
Cotta meets new boyfriend " Otto " at the Bra market, he's two, Cotta just
turned 1
At our regular espresso stop La Cantinetta on the Piazza Caduti in Bra we
spotted this wifi sign. Technology is arriving very slowly to Piemonte
(which is part of the charm of living here)