
The nebbiolo harvest is under way in Barolo and the weather has been
Theses nebbiolo grapes are waiting to be weighed and then it's off to the
De-stemmer & crusher. Destined for a bottle of Barbaresco in 3 years.
The last of many parties for the birthday girl at the E. Pira e Figli winery in
Barolo, its good to have friends who love Champagne as much as we
do (Pol Roger & Bollinger) thanks Bob & Chiara !!


The 2009 harvest is underway, the white's (Moscato,Chardannay,Arneis and
Favorita) are 90% finished. Producers are very happy with the 09 vintage.
Next up the red's (dolcetto,barbera,nebbiolo and many others.IMG_0758
This photo was taken from are kitchen balcony showing are neighbor Lorenzo loading
A small grower on his way to the public scale with his grapes
A sign of cooler weather on it's way, loading up our garage
with fire wood for the stuffa.

Guns of Barbaresco

Even though it has been sunny every day for 2 months we do get a
few small and short storms rolling in. That's when the Guns of Barbaresco
start shooting sound waves in to the sky with hopes of breaking up any
hail or at least making it smaller they sound like a civil war canon
Hazel nut harvest is coming soon usually beginning in mid August
and ending just in time to start harvesting grapes
Robert helping Lorenzo (from cantina Vigin) spray for weeds in the
Montersino vineyard
Most of the work in late july and early August is trimming the vines and
spraying for Oidium (Powdery mildew)

The jungle is back

Did you ever wonder how the rows of vines end up looking like the
ones on the right side ?
This is how: constant trimming. We really think Silvio needs an ipod !
The trimmer is made up of three lawnmower blades on the side
along with one on top. Yet another cool O.S.H.A. tool
Robert helping Davide bottle his 2007 Nebbiolo
This is as close to a minnesota T-storm we get here except they form in
about 5 min. and are over in 15 min. then the sun comes back out

Summer Time

We are having great weather this spring, warm and not too much rain.
These Nebbiolo grapes in the Starderi vineyard are growing fast
Happy 50th Lorenzo (end of table) Enjoying lunch with our friends and
Neighbors the Viglino family
The Local election is over now all theses temporary billboards can go
back in storage freeing up lost parking places.
A wine shop in Barolo thought photo copies of American wine reviews
under a few bottles of Barolo is a great way to sell wine. Who knew ??

Spring !!!

Bud Break has started here in Barbaresco, a sure sign of spring
The vineyard workers replacing post in the Roncglie vineyard just north
of Pajore. Due to all the rain/snow this past winter many vineyards have
had mini landslide's and some vineyards have lost as much as 2 acres of
vines in one slide
She doesn't look like a frantic artist hurrying to complete a painting for her up
coming show this weekend in Treiso

winter work

A sure sign of winter, the pruning / cutting back of the vines after harvest
hard work that will last through jan. / feb.
Yet another reason we love living here even our garden has a
great view just past these vineyards is the southern boundary of the
barbaresco zone
Looking towards Treiso over the Ca' del Baio cantina (winery) in the
Valgrande valley which encompasses the vineyards Marcarini on the right
side, Valgrande on the left and Giacosa behind the winery

Fog and Rain

It's been very,very fogy and rainy almost seems planned. Step 1.
finish harvest. Step 2. rain like hell for 2 maybe 3 weeks.
good time to try a new varietal how about
PELAVERGA PICCOLO anyone ? Tasted like dolcetto
mixed with gamay not fantastic but a very serviceable
BBQ wine only a small amount makes it to the states
( the hunt is part of the fun right ?)

fall in full swing

Harvest is finished in Barbaresco. Barolo should be done next week
Wow two of our favorite's in the same photo wine and biking !!