The jungle is back

Did you ever wonder how the rows of vines end up looking like the
ones on the right side ?
This is how: constant trimming. We really think Silvio needs an ipod !
The trimmer is made up of three lawnmower blades on the side
along with one on top. Yet another cool O.S.H.A. tool
Robert helping Davide bottle his 2007 Nebbiolo
This is as close to a minnesota T-storm we get here except they form in
about 5 min. and are over in 15 min. then the sun comes back out

Summer Time

We are having great weather this spring, warm and not too much rain.
These Nebbiolo grapes in the Starderi vineyard are growing fast
Happy 50th Lorenzo (end of table) Enjoying lunch with our friends and
Neighbors the Viglino family
The Local election is over now all theses temporary billboards can go
back in storage freeing up lost parking places.
A wine shop in Barolo thought photo copies of American wine reviews
under a few bottles of Barolo is a great way to sell wine. Who knew ??

Vineyard work

Spring has quickly turned into summer, the vines are growing very fast
and are in constant need of training and leaf pulling.
Even Robert, he's helpping the neighbors Vigin in their nebbiolo vineyard
"Cru Montersino" next to our home (in the back ground)
O.S.H.A. would have a field day here, however nobody seems to get hurt.
We spotted imported wine for the first time at the big super market in
Alba but nothing worth buying, bummer we miss Oregon Pinot noir