Signs of Spring
Feb/19/11 Alexanders
The vines like sunshine, therefore every spring the trees and brush that grow between the vineyard and the street are cut
down. What is not saved for wood heating is burned off next to the road (almost on the road). Chiaro, the firebug, loves
lighting fires, this year she taught our friend Lorenzo what girl scout water is, benzina (diesel).
![first ride](first-ride.jpg)
Roberts first ride of 2011 was only 6 weeks since his last ride, almost makes winter bearable. Snow on north facing
vineyards is almost gone.
![bbq on food deck](bbq-on-food-deck.jpg)
First BBQ on the balcony, not bad weather for feb. 10
![workers tilt shift](workers-tilt-shift.jpg)
And the strongest sign is that the vineyards are full of growers working there vines.
The streets of Neive alto are clean and dry, waiting for the much needed crush of tourists.